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Principal's Message

         The end of the 2023-2024 school year is just around the corner and I know students will be excited for summer holidays. However, I do want to remind everyone that the year has not yet ended so I hope we can finish strong down the June stretch.
          Sports are wrapping up and our school just finished hosting the Horizon Pre-District Track and Field Championships. While the weather was not ideal, the meet ran exceptionally smoothly thanks to the efforts of everyone involved. I want to congratulate not only our track athletes, but all of our athletes over the year who participated in any of the numerous opportunities we provided.  The dedication and hard work it takes to be successful are hopefully life habits our students are forming which will serve them well as they move on from their public education experience.
          The 2023-2024 school year was yet another year of unexpected twists and turns as the government and teachers have been working through contract negotiations. There have been a number of disruptions to our regular schedule but luckily our school community has remained strong and has worked together to minimize any disruptions. I would also like to give a huge shout-out to my teachers who had the professional foresight to have all kinds of things prepared in the case of various sanctions. But the biggest shout-out goes to my parents who valiantly stepped in to supervise our students over lunch ensuring we did not need to alter our school days like other divisions across the province had to do.
          Finally, I want to thank everyone for what was another great year. Our staff will once again look a little different next year as Heather Bjorklund will be moving to Humboldt Public School to teach a grade 8 class. Heather has been at Watson longer than our PAA program, longer than our renovated student lounge, longer than our daycare, longer than our additional playground pieces, etc. In summary, we will be losing a long-standing staff member and wish her nothing but success as she sets forth on a new adventure.
Have a great summer!
Jay Fitzsimmons